littleBits LED Matrix – Sam and Rodney

The LED Matrix:

With littleBits, you can let your imagination run wild, creating anything your mind desires. Nowhere is that displayed more than with the littleBits LED Matrix. The LED Matrix can be programmed to light up and show images on its grid. With two or more Matrices, you can combine them to show larger images. We only used one Matrix, but the capability for more is there.

When purchasing an individual bit from littleBits there will be no directions, but with a kit the directions are very thorough and fun. Also the code section of the website showed us everything we needed to know. Within a couple minutes, we had a picture on the matrix, and it wasn’t hard to write a small code using the company’s website to animate the picture. Using the littleBits LED Matrix was surprisingly easy.

The LED Matrix can be used for a variety of things. When combining multiple matrices, a larger image can be created. This can be used by digital artists to produce large images. The images can be animated and moved to the artist’s will, and can be combined with all of the other littleBits to create grand projects. Kids can enjoy creating their own characters and animating them. They can show off their creations to each other, and provides a foundation in coding.

Check out the video of what we programmed:

The littleBits kits are known to be fairly expenses, but all in all, we recommend the LED Matrix to anyone who has enjoyed what littleBits have to offer. The ease of use and the expanding amount of possibilities make this a great product.

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